Reap what you sow

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When you repeatedly discount the feelings of others that you claim to love and care about.
When you show no respect for those same people, does it really surprise you that they do not take time out of their day for you.
 If you ask me, it shouldn't.

 For myself personally, I have set aside my personal feelings for many a year, taken a lot of emotional hits, some intended, some not, to keep the peace. I have more or less forced the members of this household to attend necessary and important functions. We have done our best. However, we have gotten flack for not attending some functions. Having some knowledge of the function would have helped, some notice, maybe more than 3 days or the day of, might have helped, or maybe not mentioning that reservations had been made prior to your invite which anticipated a "no" response.
 For myself, the misinterpretation, the resulting pain was brushed under the rug. I forgive you but I haven't forgotten. I can only speak for myself.
  I must admit, that now I can no longer convince the members of my household to attend any functions. I am tired of trying.
  I am done with being in the middle of trying to keep this together, I am done being your personal door mat, I am done with being blamed for everything.
 Should you still feel the need to blame someone, try looking at how you have treated the ones you "so called " love and care about.

 I have been told to raise above and be the stronger person. Honestly, I have been doing that for years, all it has gotten me in this situation is more heart ache, more headaches and more emotional stress.

 Enough already!