My View

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 In my view, it is a parents responsibility to raise well rounded, responsible, courteous, open minded, independent, caring individuals to whom we will leave the future. We ought to give them roots, responsibilities, discipline, guidance, a good foundation, love and laughter.

  We ought to respect what our children chose to do with their lives, accepting them for who they are,  giving emotional support for who they are. We further ought to accept their chosen fields of employment,  even if these choices make us as parents uncomfortable when they are placed in dangerous situations for it is their life. A life they are living, it is not ours.

  My personal experience with raising children has been one of the biggest blessings in my life. No doubt mistakes have been made. I found that when I own my mistakes and take responsibility for them, it created a relationship filled with respect and love.

 I have encouraged my sons to be themselves even if it is against the trends of the current world. My sons owe me nothing. I chose to bring them into this world. I have no hidden nor unreasonable expectations. They know only thing I expect them to do, is to respect my wishes when my time comes. My sons and husband know exactly what those wishes are.

 In a nutshell, I expect my sons to go out and live their lives,  beholden only to their wife and children. Well, I guess to their employer too.