Letting Go ~ Awareness Reels

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   For some there will come a time in their life that no matter how much they love someone they will have to let them go. I am not speaking about death as in life and death, yet it is a death on some level. 
    I have had a couple of really interesting views that have come to me, some might say it was a vision others may say an altered state of awareness. I do not consider it a dream for I was fully awake.
    I have several of these since the first of January, I do not feel the actual details will have any bearing of the information that I feel I learned from these awareness reels. Like an old fashion movie reel.
    One of the lessons I learned from this reel was that a person was placed in a situation to choose, to choose to between children. Alienating one or risk being alienated from from several others, in my reel the woman felt she had not real choice in the matter for she should never have to choose between her children. I was sad to see this from this facet or angle if you will.
    It reflected on a choice I made on a similar yet different situation in my own life. I choose and continue to choose the happiness of my immediate family. Thus having to let go of people who I really love, but are just too entrenched in drama, negative innuendos, painful remarks disguised as jokes, gossip and that old trait of back stabbing.
   It has been difficult yet, a necessary process for my own inner peace to transverse through.                
   Basically (as Christopher my son would say) if these traits defined our relationship, I have  pretty much distanced or removed you from my life. It does not mean that I do not love you or them any less, it means that I respect myself enough to not tolerated such relationships. My peace of mind, my happiness and that of my family, far out weight any that of any toxic relationship.
    Another lesson learned was to just let them go, no guilt, no resentment, no anger, no waffling, just to let these people go with love. As I let these people go, I send them love, light, wishes for happiness, health, and peace.
  And I move forward in my life, continuing my efforts for  a loving and happy experience, I continue to learn, love and grow.
  Thank fully I have not been in a situation that would make me choose one of my children over then other one. Have I had to let a child go? Yes, when my son joined the Army and was deployed on his first tour over seas. Wow! Was that tough! I just had to have faith in his life path, if he was meant to be with us he would remain relatively safe, if he wasn't I would have to handle that at that point in time.
  I love my children dearly but I also know that for their over all success in life I have to let them go, give them tough love from time to time and know that one day they will have to carry on without me. As my mother instilled tons of strength in me, I only hope that I have done the same for my sons.
  As each person is different, as each family dynamic is different, as each relationship is different, some of what I have shared my resonate with you other parts will disgust you. It is the nature of being human. As always it is not my intent to judge, I simply share my observations, experiences, strength and hope.

Emily's Fund

9:43 AM Edit This 0 Comments »
This is a pretty amazing young woman that I have had the pleasure of sharing a class with, I am sharing in hopes of helping just a bit.