Forest Fires

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Although most see only the destruction of a forest fire,the loss of life of wild animals and the destruction of cabins and homes.

I see so much more.

The fire itself is beautiful, the flame as it leaps,
stretching as far as it can to reach it's next target.
With it's hues of red, orange, yellow, sometimes blue.
Yes there is destruction, but there is so much more.
It is the forest purging itself of the deceased, the infected, the weak, clearing the ground for rebirth, renewal and tender balance, forever making way for the strong to survive.

In California as well as in Australia, the native peoples of the land, burned it for just those purposes. It had been noted in several history books, of the "park like setting" of Southern California.

It has only been when we, who thought we have the power to control and manage our forests, created unbalance. Upsetting natures natural balance, cycles, seasons of life, which in turn have proven to be deadly decisions.
We plant more trees than the land can support, introduce invading species that strange out the indigenous and keep insisting that we know better than Mother Nature.
Then the dreaded day comes when Mother Nature just reaches out and smacks us back, putting us in our proper place in this life.

After the fire, springs to life species of plants that were thought to be extinct, the production of seed, nuts or flowers which needed it to reach the plants full cycle. In some cases it will take many years to see the true benefits of the fire.

The animals, well that old thing called "natural selection", I believe has much to do with whether an animal survived or not. Again, purging the animal species of the sick, weak and carriers of negative parasites.