My Sister

4:21 PM Edit This 0 Comments »
 It wasn't until April 18th, 2003 that I came to know my sister. I had however, spoken with her once on the phone during the last days of my mother's life.
 It was due to this so-called friend that my mother had, Magdalene, that my mom and sister even met. Magdalene was always butting in to things that were none of her business. This time, I will not only forgive her but honor her for the joy it ultimately brought my mother and myself.  Thank you Maggie, wherever you are!
 You see in my mother's last several months here, she had chosen not to share with me what was really happening to her. She was nearly homeless, living with out electricity, heat and often food. My sister, helped her with food, helped her with obtaining utilities, and brought her love, friendship and some joy with sis's grand children.
 My mother had just passed , myself, Shaun & the boys were left with the task of cleaning up. It saddens me to know that my mother, towards the end, thought so little of herself, that she had felt so hopeless and lost.
  I called my sister, when I mustered up the courage (a childhood thing that I am still working on), and shared of my mothers passing. After the first of many kind words, we then continued to talk briefly, before hanging up, she asked when were we headed back to my mothers place. She responded ok, we'll see you there.
 That day came and when we arrived, there was my sister, her husband, and grandson. We greeted each other and she gave me the biggest warmest hug! Which I will never forget.
 This family, worked side by side with us and another friend, for the better part of three longs days. Refusing to accept even the most modest of gifts in an attempt to share our appreciation.That last afternoon that we worked to finish cleaning up, her granddaughter had made me a card, which I treasure to this day. Which shared with me that I would always be her family. The sharing of this wonderful family hasn't stopped yet.
 Within the next several weeks, my sister led me to a place of healing, comfort and family, ironically to my roots of my heritage. She helped me walk when I felt so lost, in strange ways very alone, alone for that female connection that on a physical plane was gone.
 This family had only known my mother for a few short months, yet it felt like a lifetime. During my mother's memorial at a park she loved, I had only a few close family there; at first I was angry, then I was sad and one more time so alone. I was so happy when I turned to see my Sister and her family, comforted in ways that I don't think I can find the exact words to express. The memorial was small, short and sweet, I had learned much that I had not known about my mother and her love for myself and my children.
 It couldn't be because we were both to stubborn to hear the other one talk (smile)?
 Afterward, the kids and I took off our shoes, wading in the creek at the park, playing with the ducks.
It was there and then that I was adopted my this woman and her family, it was then that she announced to everyone there that I had lost a mother by gained a sister.
 Oh life isn't always smooth sailing within families (as if you didn't already know that), but she is there whether she is mad, sad or happy with me. Whenever I reach out, she is there.
 What I can share with her in return is my love, loyal, undying, unconditional love as she has shared with me.
 Sadly, it wasn't but 7 months later that she too lost her mother. I wasn't as helpful (at least I feel that way) as she was to me during my time of need, never the less, I tired hard.
 I strive everyday, to be available to her and family, to the best of by ability. She has become my biggest fan, my strongest promoter and one of my greatest teachers so-to-speak in this path of my life. It is with great difficulty that I resist the urge to put her on a pedestal.
 Adore her, admire her, love her, disagree with her,YES!  I hope to never put her on a pedestal.
 I love you Sis! Thank you!

Real or Imagined? Global Warming

3:37 PM Edit This 0 Comments »
I have been pondering and weighting the information of facts and ideas, only to come to one conclusion.
 Yes, global warming is a truth, but not in the "crisis, panic or hysterical" which so many in the media portray.
 The fact of the matter is, that the earth has been warming since the last Ice Age; Truth, really. You see in my little ventures to the library to research genealogical information, more and more truths become clear.
 How many of you were alive, or do you remember the late 60's through to the mid 70's the cry was about global cooling, the coming Ice Age?. Don't believe me, well sit down at a microfiche machine at a local archive and begin to read.
 Scientifically, my mind says that there are so many things in play that are not being included in the great debate of this issue. You see our earth is so old and we only have recorded weather for such a short section of the earth's history it is really tough to be sure.
 What I have found in my research and investigation, of which I am not a professional, is that many of these scientists that concur a theory of global warming in their view are ironically funded by government grants. There are very few scientists, who are granted government grants, who disagree.
 Gee, I am not a genius, but if you receive this grant money for your employment and monetary needs, then suddenly it is proven that the earth warming isn't as dire as you have proclaimed... then wouldn't these funds dry up, therefore the funding gets cut and then you loose. Right?
 Too many logical people have forgotten that in December of 2004 an earthquake. with tsunami, which followed, in Indonesia changed the earths rotation and its axis. Remember the leap second, kind of like the leap year that happens every 4 years. I had never experienced a leap second before, had you?
 We also have a weakening of several magnetic fields, which happen cyclically, as per historical earth records recorded.
 There is the issue of the micro climates that have been created, like Palm Springs, CA, which is now dependent upon air conditioners verses the evaporative coolers that used to work well due to its natural dry climate. What happen you say? People built a few thousand golf courses, many houses with thousands of pools, thus creating a micro-climate with much more humidity than what was the norm.
 It would have been interesting to have been knowledgeable enough at the time, when California began digging for the huge Diamond Lake project and the Seven Oaks dam, to know what changes will and have occurred.
 Then there is that huge secret in China and the truth behind the 3 gorges dam. There are scientists which say that the weight of the water alone behind that damn, can cause not only added earthquakes to the area, but could again, change the earth's axis and rotation yet, again.
 One thing is for sure, our planet is a living thing some call "Mother" and that she is in a constant state of change. Yet, in all our so-called effort to help her are we?
 What we have done is create a irresponsible society, we buy everything disposable from diapers to mops. Back when I was a kid we used a regular mop, rags and handkerchiefs. I do believe that we should recycle, why not? We pay for it anyway,I will make the most of it.  I recycle cans, plastic, paper and give my glass to a person who is willing to recycle that.
 For the most part, I do not throw my vegetable matter in the trash can, it goes into my garden area to be dug in, along with the leaves that fall off my trees. I am not saying that I am not wasteful, because I am. There are times and places that disposable is the softer, easier way.
 What about your choice in light bulbs? Florescent will help with the use of electricity, but did you know that they contain mercury which IS very harmful to the planet. We switched to LED s, they use little to no electricity (easy on our budget); you will have to look hard for them but the are out there.
 If this has done nothing more, I hope that it has caused you to read, investigate for your self and to think.