Miracles ARE Happening

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Miracles ARE all around us! I just read this from a friend of mine in Texas. I had to share this awesome news!

Daniel Beckworth wrote:

Well we got the report in last night. The doctor delayed telling us because he did her blood work up twice in 2 separate labs. He did not believe the results the first time. He told us that unless we have another miracle, the wife will always suffer from occasional bouts of bronchitis and fibromyalgia. What caused his puzzlement though was something he said he has not seen in his 30 years as a doctor. My wife's lungs are scarred from poisonous fumes she was exposed to years ago. The doctor said that the reason her white blood cell count is so high is that cancer cells are forming in her lungs but her body is treating them like any normal disease or infection and is destroying the cancer cells as fast as they develop. In short, it almost appears as if her body is trying to develop antibodies to cancer and her body is rejecting the formation of cancer and killing it faster than it can form.

* His wife was exposed to Agent Orange during the Vietnam war.

I am continuing smoke and prayers!