Looking Forward

9:13 AM Edit This 0 Comments »
  Just as I see a whole bright, fun, love filled future ahead of me, I see many wonderful people that I know experiencing awesome events in their lives. New loves, new friends, new family and many are moving forward to new physical places in their lives.

  I am so happy to see these people move forward for they inspire me to stay true to what I believe as well as to the goals and intentions I have set for myself, and those to that Shaun and I have made as a couple.

  We have had some amazing spiritual opportunities present themselves which we are preparing to embark on. Woo Who, I am eager to begin.

 The skies the limit, another words limitless. Amazing things are happening in a beautiful way that I had previously only dreamed of. Dreams do come true!

  For those who have really stuck by me through thick, thin, depressed, filled with joy and all those emotions, situations in between, THANK YOU!

  For those changing locations, safe travels and blessings on your new homes. For those with new loves, may you be blessed with great communication and understanding. For those with new friends, may they be ones you will have for a lifetime! And for those with new family members, may you enjoy their love, include them and be blessed with good health.

 In Love and Light~

No Guilt

8:18 PM Edit This 0 Comments »

Fear & Truth

4:04 PM Edit This 0 Comments »
  I find it interesting how people  will willingly forget things, events, and dates to make them seem above others in the event of a difficulty within a relationship.

   I used to resort to such behavior, and I have come to learn there is a better way to behave. Sure there are things that I do not remember, yet when I tell someone my view or side of things if you will, of a difficulty I often refer to phrases such as: "This is how it made me feel"; "This is how it came across"; "This is how I meant it", and-or "As I remember, but I can't be for sure".  This way it lets people know that I am only giving them information as I remember, intended, or felt it, allowing for flaws as there are always more than two sides to a situation. I have come to know that there are multiple facets.

  In my more youthful days I used to listen to my Daddy Glen who could often be heard saying; "When I was young, I saw everything as being very black and white with very little to no gray areas in between. But as I got older I realized that there was very little black and white, with lots of gray areas between."  I too see this as I have aged. I use the word facets instead of gray, I think the ideas parallel.

  An old difficulty has come up again, for whatever reason, I have come to a few conclusions from rehashing this old difficulty. The people perpetuating the difficulty are either fearful, intimidated to learn the truth, or it could be they do not want to know or accept that their lives or family is not as perfect as the illusion they'd like you to believe.

  If these did not apply then why not simply reach for a phone, do a google search for email, or write a letter asking what is wrong?

  Instead it is much easier to deflect responsibility that they might have to account for, by including outside individuals to do their supposing and assuming for them, spreading speculation, half truths, and attempting to imply shame. All to garner pity, being a victim, and or being a martyr, which are some of the oldest ploys in the book for attempting to control, manipulate individuals, and on a spiritual level to steal energy.

  As long as they continue their ploys, they might never know the answer to their "why".

Sad to know, that I have been in that place at one time or another, the results were undue stress, resentment and guilt. Which got me nowhere.

  Each person will respond in their own way to such a situation, yet if it is never asked than one may never know why things have turned out they way they are.

 Its on them. Do what you will, give it your all and in the end it will not change a thing, until you have the courage to ask why, maybe a little forgiveness. the willingness to listen to another view, acceptance of other's imperfections, the openness to accept life on life's terms, and willingness to give control to the only one who should have it....Creator!

Spirit Stuff

9:52 PM Edit This 0 Comments »
There are times that I really feel sad, sad that other people may not have been blessed with a gift I have or are too fearful of it. You see I am lucky enough not to have to be in the presence of a person to hear their spirit talk, in fact they do not even have to be on this earthly plane, for me to hear them. I feel so blessed that Creator blessed me with this gift, I am grateful for Creator guiding me though my own fear of the unknown and what people would think, do think.
 I am so looking forward to other blessings Creator has bestowed upon me. If it were not for Creator these gifts and blessings would mean nothing.