Looking Forward

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  Just as I see a whole bright, fun, love filled future ahead of me, I see many wonderful people that I know experiencing awesome events in their lives. New loves, new friends, new family and many are moving forward to new physical places in their lives.

  I am so happy to see these people move forward for they inspire me to stay true to what I believe as well as to the goals and intentions I have set for myself, and those to that Shaun and I have made as a couple.

  We have had some amazing spiritual opportunities present themselves which we are preparing to embark on. Woo Who, I am eager to begin.

 The skies the limit, another words limitless. Amazing things are happening in a beautiful way that I had previously only dreamed of. Dreams do come true!

  For those who have really stuck by me through thick, thin, depressed, filled with joy and all those emotions, situations in between, THANK YOU!

  For those changing locations, safe travels and blessings on your new homes. For those with new loves, may you be blessed with great communication and understanding. For those with new friends, may they be ones you will have for a lifetime! And for those with new family members, may you enjoy their love, include them and be blessed with good health.

 In Love and Light~