Ramblings within a mind of Twins

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   As some of you may have figured out, I am a full blown Gemini which often creates lots of conflict within myself.  Even before I knew the ins and outs of the what the astrological characteristics of a Gemini are, I have always had at least two ideas, emotions, or views on everything.

   As I have grown and adapted to life as it unfolds before me, I have come to accept that internal conflict of  the constant changing of my mind,view, and heart, but not always in a graceful way.

  An example of this conflict happened just this past weekend. I had made a plan for something on Saturday. Upon awaking on Saturday morning, I had a gut feeling that the time was not right for me to be at this planned meet. I made a few calls, changing the plans.

  Instead I spent Saturday in pleasant company with my husband and our dogs looking a property. When we ended up being at home earlier than expected, I thought; "Hey, maybe I can still do that other thing!"  Totally neglecting my gut instinct. I made some calls and it became very apparent that it was not meant to be. That although I did not want to "miss" out, maybe Creator had a different plan for me. I loved what my Sis said "Sometimes, it's worth being left out". As I learned all the detours and obstacles that she experienced along the way I came to understand that despite my change of mind, it wasn't meant to be at all, for myself that is.

   My toughest lesson is to learn how to resolve these conflicting feelings, ideas and emotions in a smooth less emotional way, a more balanced way. With the love and support of my husband, I have been given some tools to do just that.

   I need to make a choice and stick with it, while not ignoring my instincts.

  I am a very fortunate woman, because I have many very loving people in my life.

      I am truly grateful for them all.

 Wishing everyone a bright and wonderful day, never stop learning!