A follow up to my blog yesterday....My last blog

2:28 PM Edit This 0 Comments »
Found myself having to really work on a problem area of my life last night, not allowing this difficulty ruin my awesome mood for very long.
Because I speak my mind & my heart I am often the target for other people's anger. I asked that the anger be placed and vented on the proper person(s) of this situation, as Creator sees fit.
You see we all have a tolerance threshold, there is only so much any person is willing to take.
Having come from a very abusive home emotionally, mentally, physically, and sexually, I had come to a realization that I had become addicted to a certain amount of mental & emotional abuse. Being a volunteer and actively although subconsciously, being the victim to a degree.
Having this realization, it does not matter who you are, nor your place in my life, when I have come that place that I am no longer willing to tolerate the abuse that person or persons will be removed from my life.
As I child I didn't have a choice, as a young adult my insecurities were so that I would do nearly anything to get one to like me, to accept me, so I could feel a part of. Slowly, very slowly, I have come to an understanding that I was also rewarding the bad behavior of others.
I have been told many time that I should take the higher road, I have done that, I have put aside my own feelings and intuition when someone reaches out for help or information, only to be hurt yet again.
I know, no one can hurt me unless I allow them to. Thus a concerted effort to remove all aspects of these abusers out of my life.
 Realizing that I have been giving these people more information to use against myself, my family and to gossip about. I see that I have continued to allow them to hide behind others, never having to be accountable for their untruths. 
Since I have erased, removed and blocked all access points to contact, this was a loose thread. My last post on this blog. 
As is my way, I am sharing because I used to think I was all alone in feeling the way I do, growing up the way I did, and not being a part of. Today I know I am not alone and that by sharing it might help give someone hope that they are not alone.
I am not asking for attention, sympathy, nor approval, I am me and thus is where I am at.
I encourage you each to seek whom ever it is in your spiritual practices that give you guidance, protection and the loosening the energetic chords that connect to those who are angry, bitter, jealous, and resentful of you. For me at this time I have an animal guardian & an angel guardian that I use for this purpose, alone with Creator.
On a lighter note, I am wishing you all a very delightful day, full of fulfilled promises for it is truly an awesome day!

Relaxing and Enjoying Life

9:26 PM Edit This 0 Comments »
For the past several years I have tortured myself with caring about people that are full of hate, anger and who are have been down right negative towards myself and my family. Basically, they could care less. For when I was going through a similar experience of a recent one of theirs, with the exception of  1 or 2 the rest were nowhere to be found. I am not stating this out of any anger, resentment nor any other reason except from a point of observation.

 What I find most ironic is how I have been told that I am spoiled and selfish. Yes, I have been spoiled with the love of a great man for me; selfish....maybe but, I an rather happy, which is much better than playing the part of a martyr,  which is really a very selfish form of a controlling person who is miserable.

Where did all of this come from you ask? For simply sharing a photograph with a family member. I did not share for me, I shared it for the family member. Talk about being selfish, not sharing is selfish.

 Well, I have decided to make a huge change, I have made a conscious decision to no longer care, I don't need them, further more, I no longer desire to have this type of person or persons in my life.

 I have walked though all the questions thrown at me, I have stood by my husband 100% and I would not change that for the world. I have walked a life filled with so much abuse I became some what addicted to it, the only difference was it came from outside my immediate family ( husband & kids). It was emotional, psychological and all about control. From what I have learned only insecure people can not share and feel the need to control everything; from my personal experience this type of insecurity is always worried about appearances, thankfully I am aware of that and my personal demon gets smaller and smaller every month or so.

 All those lies, insults and anger will eat at anyone flinging them in our direction. Those who participate in those type of action will eventually have to answer to their maker for such actions, just as will for my actions. I have asked for forgiveness, making necessary changes not to participate in actions which have prompted having to ask for any more forgiveness.

   I am standing strong, holding true to my beliefs and confident in my convictions. Maybe even more so now.

  Moving on to enjoy my life, the one I share with my best friend, my sons, family some by blood and many others who are not, yet family just the same!

 Looking forward to our bright new future free to be who we are.