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As the leaves fall off the trees they trigger many a memory. Some are really recent, some aren't. September begins a series of dates of meaningful people in my life. It seems always to be a time of great introspection, from now through the beginning of  November, there are anniversaries of births, and deaths that have affected me profoundly. 
 Birthday include my father, my oldest son and my best friend whose birthday was 9/11. Octobers birthdays are that of my mother, an Elder Tub, the Godfather of my children, John. 
 September is also a month of deaths, one on 9/3/14; another on  9/14/14; a few years back was the death of one of my education mentors Barbara Hall. Right around the corner is October, which floods my mind with fun memories of my mother and that of dear John, for it is also the month that he passed.
 It is a gray time, emotionally for me which tend to flow out through random writings.

Awaiting the seasonal winds to blow away some of the internal chaos, to gain clarity to enjoy the present that much more.
 Falling leaves, falling tears, tears of healing, tears of sorrow,  tears of joy.