What in Earth do I do?

7:17 AM Edit This 0 Comments »

Much more than those who "think" they know me, just might think!
It seems, that I am asked that question often.
Well, let me see...I guess you would say that I am in a traditional role as a wife, mother and domestic engineer. Yes, domestic engineer, for I did not marry the house, fact is I despise housework, I would rather be outside in the yard.Yes, being in this role is my childhood dream come true. If that hadn't paned out, I don't know who, or what role I would be in. That was a huge problem for me, for I never had a clear cut picture of "what career" I desired.I just don't know. After getting married, I continued to work outside the home, even until our second child was born, then it came down to financial common sense. It doesn't make sense to have to pay from 2 paychecks to cover the babysitter. Reluctantly, I agree to say home, I was scared to death. At first, I became so neurotic about keeping the house clean, that I would actually pick things up before you were done with them.
Thankfully, along came some divine guidance.
I volunteered at the pre-school where the boys attended, once in they were in regular school, I volunteered at the school. The whole room mother, PTA, school site council, school board meetings and even some curriculum committees, ~thing. you could say I tend to jump in with both feet.During this time, I was able to continue with my spiritual growth through various avenues. Spiritual teachings, living history re-enactments, seeking the history of my family, connecting with that history (California Indian) and eventually through various arts.Through some of these paths, I was led to volunteer at local convalescent and retirement homes, to find more of a balance, for I had worked with the young, and now I wanted , needed to help the elderly. This led to some part-time employment as a housekeeper and a gardener for several people that I knew. Along the way at a Mountain Man Rendezvous I met this wonderful woman who introduced me to my other passion, Middle Eastern dance. Talk about conflict, following the red road, the Mt. Man path, modern and this culture of middle eastern influence; yet, I was able to find the commonalities in them all. Basically they all were about giving back, sharing and team work/support of each other. Time passed, things changed along the way, I eventually felt the need to find a full time position, for I was on very shaking ground on almost every level. You see, even though I did not have a great relationship with my mother I was very connected with her. I lost my mother in April, later that year I kind of, lost my son in August (he enlisted in the Army). I had all this stuff going on inside and didn't know what to do with it. Thankfully, my Sister Dee and her family helped with what they could. I am eternally grateful for them introducing me to ceremony, the healing places of the Bear and sweat-lodge. True I had attended one sweat-lodge prior, but this was a healing sweat that did not have any barriers.**Please note, that I have a mind much like a roulette wheel, were ever the ball lands while writing or talking is what I write or talk about.**So in the course of my path thus far, I have been fortunate enough to have had many of the childhood dreams come true...Ought O!This is where my kind of, girlie side shows.I wanted to be an actress or on television at one time, I even did a few plays and then decided that path was not for me. Well as life would have it, Shaun, myself and the boys have been on television a few times because of our involvement with the Mountain Men Rendezvous re-enactments.At one time I thought of modeling maybe my hands & eyes, for I was always being complimented on them all through school. Even Jeff the school eye model encouraged me to have some photos taken, but to no avail, too shy, no self-esteem. Then this woman (Agnes) who introduced me to Middle-Eastern dance wanted me to model for a painting or two...Still way too shy, pretty much the same self-esteem level.Again as life would have it, Middle Eastern dance led me to a modeling gig, I can be seen on the cover of "The Gathering Season" by Solace.Which ironically led me to fulfilling my dream of making music, through dance I discovered how to play drums,the doumbek.
When I think back even as I kid I was beating my hands on things most of the time in time with the music, some of my favorite musical compositions were those of heavy drums. Next thing I knew the troupe that I danced with was asked to perform on Solace's next album. So you can hear our voices noticeably on "The Blessing" on Solace's album "Ahsas"; we were also making other background jingles within the album. Some members of the troupe' lent their vocals throughout the album.
I guess I forgot to mention that I had always wanted to dance...
The Middle Eastern Dancing led to joining a dance troupe titled "Yogini Kundalini", we performed through out the south land in Southern California for a few years.Eventually, all good things come to an end, but not before many of our troupe members wrote quotes for a book titled "Tribal Bible by Kajira Djoumahna", as seen in Chapter 10.In January 2008 Shaun, Timothy and myself were in a very serious car collision, which changed my life once again. We came to believe that we had stuff we needed to do still in this life, for there were far too many things that only a divine interference could have saved us.I understand that some people may be tired of listening to the reference of "the accident", but it did change my life.In a strange way, even through I still sometimes feel panic moments while riding with people a vehicle, it has also made me stronger. It has strengthen my self-esteem and once again showed me that life is too darn short. That it is important to share with those you love, tell them that you love them!
Enjoy every minute you have together.
Mostly, not to waste time on those who truly don't care about you.I ended up giving up the full time position (not a great one to be truthful), back to being at home, following another passion, working with stones and beads. Helping others, for I really enjoy that. Attending courses for web site design, volunteering with genealogical research and the photography of markers in cemeteries.
Yes, I know I am weird!
When the time is right I will be immersed in the pow-wow scene helping with what I can to help make it a joyous and successful gathering, event.There are days, that I just vegetate, there are days that you couldn't catch me no matter how hard you try, it just the way my life is. I for one, love it!I have written for those who would like to get to know me more, those who want to catch up and for those who thought they were "in the know".

Should you try... In response to "I am Weird?"

2:58 PM Edit This 0 Comments »
I felt a need to respond to people's misinterpretation of my post titled "I am Weird?"

Should you try to upset my happy little life, with untruths or misinterpretations, you just might be,... a little successful. However, you may be disappointed to find out, that it will only be for a short while. Thanks to the things I learned in my life walk, I have grown much. It wasn't always so.

Back in the day, I would have looked for ways to upset your life, and keep it going for a long time.

Today, I pray.

Life is far too short to make mountains out of mole hills, yet, I still do so, many times. I am far from perfect, I really don't strive to be perfect either. Being perfect is much more work than I care to deal with. Instead, I strive for progress, that! I can be successful at.

Should you feel the need in stir things up, you might look at yourself first. I can not speak for you, but I can share of my experiences. When I have felt the need to stir things up, for me it was a distraction for what was really bothering me. You know, stuff about myself, my life or my partner that I choose not to address. For myself, it was much easier to view, take inventory if you will, of someone else's life and see what was wrong in my opinion, rather than to deal with what was at hand in my own life.

I have sowed a hard road, some by choice, some not. I take full responsibility for my choices in my life and the outcomes. Which has not always been very pleasant. I also take part responsibility for my reactions to choices that were out of my control.
I am the way I am, simply because I am. My life experiences, my surroundings, and the people who have been in my life.

Oh, I could blame the character defects, so to speak, on all those surrounding me, or I can choose to make a difference. Some 20+ years ago, I chose to make a difference.
Oh believe you me, I digress here and there, I don't feel as strong as I would like, nor as wise as I wish to be at times. I believe that is just being human.
So today, I choose to pray for your peace, your happiness and for you to receive everything in life you desire.

By some strange happenings, not of my doing, nor any other human influence, I have seen people receive exactly what they have given, sometimes 3 fold; good or bad, seems to make no difference. It is in Great Spirit's hands not mine.

What I do know, is that I have a great, wonderful, and loving support group of family and friends that help me through rough times in my life and are there to to celebrate the great little things in my life. These wonderful people start with my husband, followed by my sons, my sisters of blood and spirit (JABS that includes you!). As I have written before, I have a strong spirit family out of choice of love rather than by the dictated ties of blood.

If this offends you, I ask why? For I respect your choices in life, why shouldn't you respect mine?

Should you feel the need to go after my family, husband, son, sisters, brothers, and/or friends, with similar untruths or misinterpretations, I can react much as a mother bear or badger would to protect it's family. Yes, I can be tenacious and relentless when it comes to things I believe. This is not a threat, nor should it be perceived as a threat, it is a honest as I can be. For when you enter my circle, so to speak, I am loyal to the end.

In closing I would like to quote a movie "You can play the blame game clear back to Adam and Eve, Or I can start with yourself". I have chosen to start with me.

I'm Weird?

7:12 AM Edit This 0 Comments »
It has come to my attention that many think I am weird. So be it.
If by being weird that means that I only think money is important enough to cover my necessary expenses - mortgage, food, utilities, & fuel; drive a reliable car - not a status symbol; live my life by what is acceptable for me - not you; I (we) have only 1 credit card for emergencies. I have never employed a housekeeper, nor a gardener. I do not stress my self out by over committing to too many things in one day, nor do I care much about what others think, for they are usually judging my outside by there insides...Pretty much mean they just might be more soul sick than I have been in the past.
I am soul sick when it comes to blood family, they are all pretty much into status symbols and social status/class. Most recently it has become apparent that if you do not have a degree, you are pretty much not a person. Funny, I know lots of people with degrees that are pretty darn dumb, for they don't even know what that red light means on the dash of their car. I so happen to be blessed with knowing many people without "degrees" who are far more intelligent, one of which I am married to.
I have always been a rebel. Don't believe me? My stepfather would say that all ..... (you fill in the blank) were bad. To which I would reply, in your opinion. Blood family seems to want their cake and kick the cake too. I will not participate any more.
As I have said before, you are in my life because of what you have in the inside, your heart, your compassion, your brain!
Most of all we share love by choice not by dictated blood ties.

Personal Responsiblity Comes With A Price

4:29 PM Edit This 0 Comments »
For me personal responsibility comes with a price. Some may think the price is far to high to pay, others will not.
It's about being honest not just to other people but most importantly with and to yourself. Self honesty has many rewards, through it one can establish integrity, respect, trust, the true friendship of others and love, an unconditional love. Yes, even self love, which as with all things in moderation, is a very good thing.
Honesty can have it's downfall as well, for there is a thing called "being too honest". This reminds me of and old black and white movie titled "I Married an Angel". In this scene everyone has come to visit the new bride, knowing that she is an Angel, who can not lie. A robust woman walks up to the Angel and says, "Dear, my husband says this dress makes me look fat. I said it does not. I want to know what you think". The Angel responds "Why certainly not my dear. This dress does not make you look fat. It is because you are fat". That is an example of being honest at the expense of someone's feelings. I will also like to point out how humiliating that would be. Now, I am not saying that there isn't a time and a place for such honesty, I believe that it is best on a, one on one situation. Not in a public atmosphere. I do believe too that it should not be used to make yourself look superior. Said with the proper intent in a gentle, caring, loving way, the statement of fact will not be misinterpreted. However, even with the best intentions, sometimes my anger gets the best of me, thus I blurt out something I wished I had said at another time. That's again where personal responsibility comes to play. I not only take credit for my achievements but for for my mistakes as well. By accepting responsibility for my actions and reactions, I am practicing self honesty. I choose not to make excuses for my anger, my statements and most importantly how it was said.
I used to tell my boys as they were growing up, that unless someone was holding a knife to their throat or a gun to their head, they were responsible for their actions and reactions. I realize this is rather graphic, but they got the point I was trying to make. It did slow them down here or there but they still tried as with myself when I was a kid into thinking that maybe that adult could be taken in by what I am saying. So often they would try the old "It not my fault, Johnny made me do it". Oh, I nearly forgot this one, "It's not my fault because...". So how many of you adults are shaking your head remembering such statements.
There are times when things are not our fault, such as when someone runs into your car or the wind blows the neighbors tree down on your home, just to name few. Oh, I nearly forgot that, "It's not my fault because...". All falls under that term once again, personal responsibility.
In closing, if you desire respect, trust, friendships and love, I believe that it can be found through hard work on your part by simply being honest with yourself.
People have the opportunity to change their attitudes at any given moment, on any given day of their entire life.