Should you try... In response to "I am Weird?"

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I felt a need to respond to people's misinterpretation of my post titled "I am Weird?"

Should you try to upset my happy little life, with untruths or misinterpretations, you just might be,... a little successful. However, you may be disappointed to find out, that it will only be for a short while. Thanks to the things I learned in my life walk, I have grown much. It wasn't always so.

Back in the day, I would have looked for ways to upset your life, and keep it going for a long time.

Today, I pray.

Life is far too short to make mountains out of mole hills, yet, I still do so, many times. I am far from perfect, I really don't strive to be perfect either. Being perfect is much more work than I care to deal with. Instead, I strive for progress, that! I can be successful at.

Should you feel the need in stir things up, you might look at yourself first. I can not speak for you, but I can share of my experiences. When I have felt the need to stir things up, for me it was a distraction for what was really bothering me. You know, stuff about myself, my life or my partner that I choose not to address. For myself, it was much easier to view, take inventory if you will, of someone else's life and see what was wrong in my opinion, rather than to deal with what was at hand in my own life.

I have sowed a hard road, some by choice, some not. I take full responsibility for my choices in my life and the outcomes. Which has not always been very pleasant. I also take part responsibility for my reactions to choices that were out of my control.
I am the way I am, simply because I am. My life experiences, my surroundings, and the people who have been in my life.

Oh, I could blame the character defects, so to speak, on all those surrounding me, or I can choose to make a difference. Some 20+ years ago, I chose to make a difference.
Oh believe you me, I digress here and there, I don't feel as strong as I would like, nor as wise as I wish to be at times. I believe that is just being human.
So today, I choose to pray for your peace, your happiness and for you to receive everything in life you desire.

By some strange happenings, not of my doing, nor any other human influence, I have seen people receive exactly what they have given, sometimes 3 fold; good or bad, seems to make no difference. It is in Great Spirit's hands not mine.

What I do know, is that I have a great, wonderful, and loving support group of family and friends that help me through rough times in my life and are there to to celebrate the great little things in my life. These wonderful people start with my husband, followed by my sons, my sisters of blood and spirit (JABS that includes you!). As I have written before, I have a strong spirit family out of choice of love rather than by the dictated ties of blood.

If this offends you, I ask why? For I respect your choices in life, why shouldn't you respect mine?

Should you feel the need to go after my family, husband, son, sisters, brothers, and/or friends, with similar untruths or misinterpretations, I can react much as a mother bear or badger would to protect it's family. Yes, I can be tenacious and relentless when it comes to things I believe. This is not a threat, nor should it be perceived as a threat, it is a honest as I can be. For when you enter my circle, so to speak, I am loyal to the end.

In closing I would like to quote a movie "You can play the blame game clear back to Adam and Eve, Or I can start with yourself". I have chosen to start with me.