I'm Weird?

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It has come to my attention that many think I am weird. So be it.
If by being weird that means that I only think money is important enough to cover my necessary expenses - mortgage, food, utilities, & fuel; drive a reliable car - not a status symbol; live my life by what is acceptable for me - not you; I (we) have only 1 credit card for emergencies. I have never employed a housekeeper, nor a gardener. I do not stress my self out by over committing to too many things in one day, nor do I care much about what others think, for they are usually judging my outside by there insides...Pretty much mean they just might be more soul sick than I have been in the past.
I am soul sick when it comes to blood family, they are all pretty much into status symbols and social status/class. Most recently it has become apparent that if you do not have a degree, you are pretty much not a person. Funny, I know lots of people with degrees that are pretty darn dumb, for they don't even know what that red light means on the dash of their car. I so happen to be blessed with knowing many people without "degrees" who are far more intelligent, one of which I am married to.
I have always been a rebel. Don't believe me? My stepfather would say that all ..... (you fill in the blank) were bad. To which I would reply, in your opinion. Blood family seems to want their cake and kick the cake too. I will not participate any more.
As I have said before, you are in my life because of what you have in the inside, your heart, your compassion, your brain!
Most of all we share love by choice not by dictated blood ties.