Personal Responsiblity Comes With A Price

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For me personal responsibility comes with a price. Some may think the price is far to high to pay, others will not.
It's about being honest not just to other people but most importantly with and to yourself. Self honesty has many rewards, through it one can establish integrity, respect, trust, the true friendship of others and love, an unconditional love. Yes, even self love, which as with all things in moderation, is a very good thing.
Honesty can have it's downfall as well, for there is a thing called "being too honest". This reminds me of and old black and white movie titled "I Married an Angel". In this scene everyone has come to visit the new bride, knowing that she is an Angel, who can not lie. A robust woman walks up to the Angel and says, "Dear, my husband says this dress makes me look fat. I said it does not. I want to know what you think". The Angel responds "Why certainly not my dear. This dress does not make you look fat. It is because you are fat". That is an example of being honest at the expense of someone's feelings. I will also like to point out how humiliating that would be. Now, I am not saying that there isn't a time and a place for such honesty, I believe that it is best on a, one on one situation. Not in a public atmosphere. I do believe too that it should not be used to make yourself look superior. Said with the proper intent in a gentle, caring, loving way, the statement of fact will not be misinterpreted. However, even with the best intentions, sometimes my anger gets the best of me, thus I blurt out something I wished I had said at another time. That's again where personal responsibility comes to play. I not only take credit for my achievements but for for my mistakes as well. By accepting responsibility for my actions and reactions, I am practicing self honesty. I choose not to make excuses for my anger, my statements and most importantly how it was said.
I used to tell my boys as they were growing up, that unless someone was holding a knife to their throat or a gun to their head, they were responsible for their actions and reactions. I realize this is rather graphic, but they got the point I was trying to make. It did slow them down here or there but they still tried as with myself when I was a kid into thinking that maybe that adult could be taken in by what I am saying. So often they would try the old "It not my fault, Johnny made me do it". Oh, I nearly forgot this one, "It's not my fault because...". So how many of you adults are shaking your head remembering such statements.
There are times when things are not our fault, such as when someone runs into your car or the wind blows the neighbors tree down on your home, just to name few. Oh, I nearly forgot that, "It's not my fault because...". All falls under that term once again, personal responsibility.
In closing, if you desire respect, trust, friendships and love, I believe that it can be found through hard work on your part by simply being honest with yourself.
People have the opportunity to change their attitudes at any given moment, on any given day of their entire life.