A follow up to my blog yesterday....My last blog

2:28 PM Edit This 0 Comments »
Found myself having to really work on a problem area of my life last night, not allowing this difficulty ruin my awesome mood for very long.
Because I speak my mind & my heart I am often the target for other people's anger. I asked that the anger be placed and vented on the proper person(s) of this situation, as Creator sees fit.
You see we all have a tolerance threshold, there is only so much any person is willing to take.
Having come from a very abusive home emotionally, mentally, physically, and sexually, I had come to a realization that I had become addicted to a certain amount of mental & emotional abuse. Being a volunteer and actively although subconsciously, being the victim to a degree.
Having this realization, it does not matter who you are, nor your place in my life, when I have come that place that I am no longer willing to tolerate the abuse that person or persons will be removed from my life.
As I child I didn't have a choice, as a young adult my insecurities were so that I would do nearly anything to get one to like me, to accept me, so I could feel a part of. Slowly, very slowly, I have come to an understanding that I was also rewarding the bad behavior of others.
I have been told many time that I should take the higher road, I have done that, I have put aside my own feelings and intuition when someone reaches out for help or information, only to be hurt yet again.
I know, no one can hurt me unless I allow them to. Thus a concerted effort to remove all aspects of these abusers out of my life.
 Realizing that I have been giving these people more information to use against myself, my family and to gossip about. I see that I have continued to allow them to hide behind others, never having to be accountable for their untruths. 
Since I have erased, removed and blocked all access points to contact, this was a loose thread. My last post on this blog. 
As is my way, I am sharing because I used to think I was all alone in feeling the way I do, growing up the way I did, and not being a part of. Today I know I am not alone and that by sharing it might help give someone hope that they are not alone.
I am not asking for attention, sympathy, nor approval, I am me and thus is where I am at.
I encourage you each to seek whom ever it is in your spiritual practices that give you guidance, protection and the loosening the energetic chords that connect to those who are angry, bitter, jealous, and resentful of you. For me at this time I have an animal guardian & an angel guardian that I use for this purpose, alone with Creator.
On a lighter note, I am wishing you all a very delightful day, full of fulfilled promises for it is truly an awesome day!

Relaxing and Enjoying Life

9:26 PM Edit This 0 Comments »
For the past several years I have tortured myself with caring about people that are full of hate, anger and who are have been down right negative towards myself and my family. Basically, they could care less. For when I was going through a similar experience of a recent one of theirs, with the exception of  1 or 2 the rest were nowhere to be found. I am not stating this out of any anger, resentment nor any other reason except from a point of observation.

 What I find most ironic is how I have been told that I am spoiled and selfish. Yes, I have been spoiled with the love of a great man for me; selfish....maybe but, I an rather happy, which is much better than playing the part of a martyr,  which is really a very selfish form of a controlling person who is miserable.

Where did all of this come from you ask? For simply sharing a photograph with a family member. I did not share for me, I shared it for the family member. Talk about being selfish, not sharing is selfish.

 Well, I have decided to make a huge change, I have made a conscious decision to no longer care, I don't need them, further more, I no longer desire to have this type of person or persons in my life.

 I have walked though all the questions thrown at me, I have stood by my husband 100% and I would not change that for the world. I have walked a life filled with so much abuse I became some what addicted to it, the only difference was it came from outside my immediate family ( husband & kids). It was emotional, psychological and all about control. From what I have learned only insecure people can not share and feel the need to control everything; from my personal experience this type of insecurity is always worried about appearances, thankfully I am aware of that and my personal demon gets smaller and smaller every month or so.

 All those lies, insults and anger will eat at anyone flinging them in our direction. Those who participate in those type of action will eventually have to answer to their maker for such actions, just as will for my actions. I have asked for forgiveness, making necessary changes not to participate in actions which have prompted having to ask for any more forgiveness.

   I am standing strong, holding true to my beliefs and confident in my convictions. Maybe even more so now.

  Moving on to enjoy my life, the one I share with my best friend, my sons, family some by blood and many others who are not, yet family just the same!

 Looking forward to our bright new future free to be who we are.


9:08 PM Edit This 0 Comments »
Don't you just dislike it when you offer to share something of yours with someone else, with the specific words, " You may borrow these, they have great sentimental meaning for me. As the person who gave me these are no longer alive".
 Only to never, ever have these items returned.

Another situation had happened when I had spoke to someone about my grandfather's christening gown. Years later another family thought I was in possession of their christening gown. Difference is my grandfather's gown had his initials embroideried on the back of the garment.

 Sometimes, I wonder about how much people enable poor behavior or responsibilities. Haven't they ever wondered if the those people will fair in case of the enablers death?

 Why do many cigarette smokers believe the entire planet is their ash tray? Not All smokers do this, yet sadly more are less considerate than those I know who are very considerate.

 Giving or sending a gift, not receiving a thank you for it. It doesn't have to be a thank you card, it can be verbal as it is the polite think to do, no matter who you are. My solution after a few gifts, no more gifts.

Why do the crows always doody on my car right after I wash it? He he he, so that maybe I'd wash it more often? I think that is the lesson.

 Respect for traditions, people, and their views appears to be on a downward spiral.

Those who are not happy within their own lives tend to rag or dish the happy people to others who are more than happy to jump on the bandwagon.

 People who taken profuse advantage of other people who are giving, causing the givers silent grief, mental health or sometimes their physical health.

Those who have plenty to say behind your back, but never have the courage to say it to you directly or eye to eye.

Those who can not apologize......Those who will not forgive.

Just ramblings of things that popped into my head at this moment.

Ramblings within a mind of Twins

10:46 AM Edit This 0 Comments »
   As some of you may have figured out, I am a full blown Gemini which often creates lots of conflict within myself.  Even before I knew the ins and outs of the what the astrological characteristics of a Gemini are, I have always had at least two ideas, emotions, or views on everything.

   As I have grown and adapted to life as it unfolds before me, I have come to accept that internal conflict of  the constant changing of my mind,view, and heart, but not always in a graceful way.

  An example of this conflict happened just this past weekend. I had made a plan for something on Saturday. Upon awaking on Saturday morning, I had a gut feeling that the time was not right for me to be at this planned meet. I made a few calls, changing the plans.

  Instead I spent Saturday in pleasant company with my husband and our dogs looking a property. When we ended up being at home earlier than expected, I thought; "Hey, maybe I can still do that other thing!"  Totally neglecting my gut instinct. I made some calls and it became very apparent that it was not meant to be. That although I did not want to "miss" out, maybe Creator had a different plan for me. I loved what my Sis said "Sometimes, it's worth being left out". As I learned all the detours and obstacles that she experienced along the way I came to understand that despite my change of mind, it wasn't meant to be at all, for myself that is.

   My toughest lesson is to learn how to resolve these conflicting feelings, ideas and emotions in a smooth less emotional way, a more balanced way. With the love and support of my husband, I have been given some tools to do just that.

   I need to make a choice and stick with it, while not ignoring my instincts.

  I am a very fortunate woman, because I have many very loving people in my life.

      I am truly grateful for them all.

 Wishing everyone a bright and wonderful day, never stop learning!

Looking Forward

9:13 AM Edit This 0 Comments »
  Just as I see a whole bright, fun, love filled future ahead of me, I see many wonderful people that I know experiencing awesome events in their lives. New loves, new friends, new family and many are moving forward to new physical places in their lives.

  I am so happy to see these people move forward for they inspire me to stay true to what I believe as well as to the goals and intentions I have set for myself, and those to that Shaun and I have made as a couple.

  We have had some amazing spiritual opportunities present themselves which we are preparing to embark on. Woo Who, I am eager to begin.

 The skies the limit, another words limitless. Amazing things are happening in a beautiful way that I had previously only dreamed of. Dreams do come true!

  For those who have really stuck by me through thick, thin, depressed, filled with joy and all those emotions, situations in between, THANK YOU!

  For those changing locations, safe travels and blessings on your new homes. For those with new loves, may you be blessed with great communication and understanding. For those with new friends, may they be ones you will have for a lifetime! And for those with new family members, may you enjoy their love, include them and be blessed with good health.

 In Love and Light~

No Guilt

8:18 PM Edit This 0 Comments »

Fear & Truth

4:04 PM Edit This 0 Comments »
  I find it interesting how people  will willingly forget things, events, and dates to make them seem above others in the event of a difficulty within a relationship.

   I used to resort to such behavior, and I have come to learn there is a better way to behave. Sure there are things that I do not remember, yet when I tell someone my view or side of things if you will, of a difficulty I often refer to phrases such as: "This is how it made me feel"; "This is how it came across"; "This is how I meant it", and-or "As I remember, but I can't be for sure".  This way it lets people know that I am only giving them information as I remember, intended, or felt it, allowing for flaws as there are always more than two sides to a situation. I have come to know that there are multiple facets.

  In my more youthful days I used to listen to my Daddy Glen who could often be heard saying; "When I was young, I saw everything as being very black and white with very little to no gray areas in between. But as I got older I realized that there was very little black and white, with lots of gray areas between."  I too see this as I have aged. I use the word facets instead of gray, I think the ideas parallel.

  An old difficulty has come up again, for whatever reason, I have come to a few conclusions from rehashing this old difficulty. The people perpetuating the difficulty are either fearful, intimidated to learn the truth, or it could be they do not want to know or accept that their lives or family is not as perfect as the illusion they'd like you to believe.

  If these did not apply then why not simply reach for a phone, do a google search for email, or write a letter asking what is wrong?

  Instead it is much easier to deflect responsibility that they might have to account for, by including outside individuals to do their supposing and assuming for them, spreading speculation, half truths, and attempting to imply shame. All to garner pity, being a victim, and or being a martyr, which are some of the oldest ploys in the book for attempting to control, manipulate individuals, and on a spiritual level to steal energy.

  As long as they continue their ploys, they might never know the answer to their "why".

Sad to know, that I have been in that place at one time or another, the results were undue stress, resentment and guilt. Which got me nowhere.

  Each person will respond in their own way to such a situation, yet if it is never asked than one may never know why things have turned out they way they are.

 Its on them. Do what you will, give it your all and in the end it will not change a thing, until you have the courage to ask why, maybe a little forgiveness. the willingness to listen to another view, acceptance of other's imperfections, the openness to accept life on life's terms, and willingness to give control to the only one who should have it....Creator!

Spirit Stuff

9:52 PM Edit This 0 Comments »
There are times that I really feel sad, sad that other people may not have been blessed with a gift I have or are too fearful of it. You see I am lucky enough not to have to be in the presence of a person to hear their spirit talk, in fact they do not even have to be on this earthly plane, for me to hear them. I feel so blessed that Creator blessed me with this gift, I am grateful for Creator guiding me though my own fear of the unknown and what people would think, do think.
 I am so looking forward to other blessings Creator has bestowed upon me. If it were not for Creator these gifts and blessings would mean nothing.

Bragging rights!

5:40 PM Edit This 0 Comments »
I just had to share what an awesome man I am married too. He received this today! Woot Woot!

Letting Go ~ Awareness Reels

10:14 AM Edit This 0 Comments »
   For some there will come a time in their life that no matter how much they love someone they will have to let them go. I am not speaking about death as in life and death, yet it is a death on some level. 
    I have had a couple of really interesting views that have come to me, some might say it was a vision others may say an altered state of awareness. I do not consider it a dream for I was fully awake.
    I have several of these since the first of January, I do not feel the actual details will have any bearing of the information that I feel I learned from these awareness reels. Like an old fashion movie reel.
    One of the lessons I learned from this reel was that a person was placed in a situation to choose, to choose to between children. Alienating one or risk being alienated from from several others, in my reel the woman felt she had not real choice in the matter for she should never have to choose between her children. I was sad to see this from this facet or angle if you will.
    It reflected on a choice I made on a similar yet different situation in my own life. I choose and continue to choose the happiness of my immediate family. Thus having to let go of people who I really love, but are just too entrenched in drama, negative innuendos, painful remarks disguised as jokes, gossip and that old trait of back stabbing.
   It has been difficult yet, a necessary process for my own inner peace to transverse through.                
   Basically (as Christopher my son would say) if these traits defined our relationship, I have  pretty much distanced or removed you from my life. It does not mean that I do not love you or them any less, it means that I respect myself enough to not tolerated such relationships. My peace of mind, my happiness and that of my family, far out weight any that of any toxic relationship.
    Another lesson learned was to just let them go, no guilt, no resentment, no anger, no waffling, just to let these people go with love. As I let these people go, I send them love, light, wishes for happiness, health, and peace.
  And I move forward in my life, continuing my efforts for  a loving and happy experience, I continue to learn, love and grow.
  Thank fully I have not been in a situation that would make me choose one of my children over then other one. Have I had to let a child go? Yes, when my son joined the Army and was deployed on his first tour over seas. Wow! Was that tough! I just had to have faith in his life path, if he was meant to be with us he would remain relatively safe, if he wasn't I would have to handle that at that point in time.
  I love my children dearly but I also know that for their over all success in life I have to let them go, give them tough love from time to time and know that one day they will have to carry on without me. As my mother instilled tons of strength in me, I only hope that I have done the same for my sons.
  As each person is different, as each family dynamic is different, as each relationship is different, some of what I have shared my resonate with you other parts will disgust you. It is the nature of being human. As always it is not my intent to judge, I simply share my observations, experiences, strength and hope.

Emily's Fund

9:43 AM Edit This 0 Comments »
This is a pretty amazing young woman that I have had the pleasure of sharing a class with, I am sharing in hopes of helping just a bit.