Is it Really? Questions I Ask

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Is it really the end of times as so many would have you believe, or is it simply the change into the next era of existence.
All of this build up of 2012, will we really ever know?

Do we really know the cycles of the earth, is it warming, or is it cooling? What I do know is that the mid-Atlantic conveyor system is slightly off this year, and that is truly something I worry about.
Are animals becoming extinct due directly to humans, or are they just morphing through their natural process of natural selection? I do believe that there is human effect, yet in some cases in the past, animals have become extinct with no human contact at all.

Are you one to follow what is told to you by the media, or are you one who will question, therefore researching to make as informed of a view as possible. Often with the risk of being called a rebel.
Is it important for you to follow along with the latest trends? Or are you the one who stands alone, not allowing yourself to fall into the trap of other sheep?

I do not seek your approval, I seek your respect. I do not seek to belong, I seek your friendship. I do not seek to stand out, I am simply who I am. Sometimes outspoken, sometimes harsh, sometimes shy, often distanced from, for some I speak a truth they know in their soul. A soul that is not ready to hear. A soul that is not comfortable that it's truth has been seen. These things that I share are not to humiliate, embarrass, or to judge, they are again, simply as I see them.
I am the best I can be for today and only for today.