Release, release, release!

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As life would have it, as I wish it to be, things have all worked out of my system. It was rather interesting how it all came about in such a perfect way. I was looking to really move forward in my life, removing any blocks that maybe holding me in place, not allowing for more growth, to be able to let go of "stuff" that is detrimental or of no use at all. I had one situation that no matter how much I thought I had let it go, something would trigger a backlash or moving miles backwards instead of making progress moving through it.
  This letting go, releasing kind of got pushed to the forefront on November 22, 2014. I was attending lodge, we had just closed it and one of our Elders spoke saying that some of the women had some deep emotional scars that were not let go of.  As I walked away I pondered the thought of how sad it was that some of the women had not yet healed.
     Ta Da! Wake up Lesa!
 As I realized that I had a LOT of emotional scars that I had not let go of, some very deep some at the close surface, I turned to look back at the lodge when a large brightly lit green meteor shot across the sky, right over the lodge. I took it as a sign to to get to work on these things, find out how to let them go fully.
  In the meantime I had began working on a personal project of 28 days of gratitude. It was December 12th when I posted the prep for day 15 which was to "magically heal relationships", after completing the post I made a list of who I was going to work on.
The next morning I read lots of posts on face book about letting go; the one that really caught my attention was titled "Release, release, release"! great post about removing "stuff" that had no purpose. Poetically timed I might add for that evening was lodge. PERFECT! I prepared by doing the suggested instructions on magically healing relationships, gathered my items for lodge and really focused on the thought of giving to the fire, the ancestors and spirit of the rocks.
 Oh I had a few doubts about how well it would work, but once I was settled in, next to the rocks (my preferred place to sit) and the sweat began, it just flowed. Many many scars left me that night, praying all the while that old wounds would not be ripped open again. 
 When I left lodge that night on December 13, 2014; I felt so light, ethereal, that I really felt like I could float or fly away. What an awesome gift to be blessed with, I am honored and humbled by this gift, to such a point I have not the words to convey the feeling.
 Did it work? Yes, indeed! It is so wonderful to hear about that situation and have no uncomfortable feelings at all about it, I can not begin to share how totally worth it, it is.
 As always I share these random thoughts in hopes that someone can avoid some of what I have been through, for others to know that they may not be alone, with the overall hope that this might help some one some day.
 Remember those 2 very special words as you walk your road in life, Thank You!
 Thank you for taking the time to read my post.